“It would be a better world if every child could begin her/his education with a year at the Fine Arts Preschool. We have great respect for what you do here.”
~Michelle & Chris Davidson, May 1999
To reach a member of the faculty, please call the office at (801) 581-7374 and leave a message. Your call will be returned promptly, usually after pre-school hours.
Arrival and Departure
Children will arrived at Preschool beginning at 8:45 a.m. Parents arriving
early must remain with their child outside the building until doors are unlocked. Parents will walk their student to the main west doors for hand sanitizing, and then depart. Students will enter the building independently and be assisted by Tanner Dance staff to escort them to their
classrooms. For the safety of our students, our doors will be locked at 9:00 a.m. Instruction begins at 9:00 a.m. Preschool concludes at noon. Parents will walk up to the Main West door to retrieve their child at noon–12:15 pm time. Parents will be charged a $5 late fee for each 15 minute increment past 12:15 p.m. Please note that parking on campus is enforced Monday-
Friday, 6:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. A University issued permit is required on campus to park in designated areas. Hourly paid parking stalls are also available on campus. Teachers will allow children to be picked up only by those persons authorized on the application and transportation forms. For
the safety of your child, please send a written note or email to the Preschool staff if alternate transportation arrangements are made. In the event that you will be late picking up your child, please call 801.581.7374 to notify the staff. Late fees will still apply.
Please call the office if your child will be absent from school at (801) 581-7374. The office will then get a note to your child’s teacher. In order to keep parents well informed, we will send monthly calendars and notes home with your child, answer questions by phone or speak personally with parents as they drop off the children. Please check backpacks each day for correspondence. A student directory will be provided in August and updated throughout the year. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled throughout the school year. To reach a member of the faculty, please email misha.moffat@utah.edu or call the office at (801)581-7374 and leave a message. Your call will be returned promptly usually after pre-school hours.
Guest Policy
The Fine Arts Preschool Faculty wishes to ensure a positive, non-distracted learning environment for your preschooler and his/her fellow classmates. The Faculty cannot at any time accept responsibility for unregistered children. Therefore, parents and preschool children are asked not to bring guests, siblings or others to preschool, on field trips, or to parent participation days, unless otherwise noted. Thank you.
At the beginning of the year, please send clearly labeled slippers and a paint shirt to preschool. These will be kept here throughout the year and returned in May. Children will remove their outside shoes upon arrival, and wear either slippers or bare feet, depending on the classes throughout the day. For art class, an oversized button down style shirt is best. The Preschool is conscientious about protecting your child’s clothing to the best of our abilities.
On the days your child is scheduled to dance, please send them to Preschool in suitable dance clothes. Girls may wear leggings with a shirt or leotard, leotard and footless tights, or footless unitard. Boys may wear a tee shirt and shorts, sweatpants, athletic or biker shorts, or a unitard. Students should arrive to preschool in their preferred dance clothing. Dance clothing should be washed each week.
Each day please send clearly marked:
Backpack or tote bag for artwork, notes, etc. Clothing appropriate for outside weather, including boots in winter. Although children will not routinely have an outside playtime, classes may take walks, so they need to be dressed appropriately.
Weather Information
The Fine Arts Preschool follows University of Utah inclement weather closures. In the event of a severe storm, campus closure information is broadcasted on the University of Utah website, radio, KUER FM 90 and television, KUED Channel 7. Notification may be broadcast on other channels as well. Our Tanner Dance office will also be in contact with you by email and/or text. Be assured that your child will be cared for in the event of any emergency. Detailed information on the University of Utah’s emergency procedures can be obtained upon request in the office.
Snacks, Treats, Toys, Show & Tell
Parents will provide a simple, healthy snack each day for their child. Please clearly label your student’s name on the outside of their water bottle and snack bag. If your child has special dietary requirements, please alert the staff of the Fine Arts Preschool. Do not allow children to bring candy, gum or other treats to preschool. Show & tell will be held throughout the month. Your child’s teacher will notify you of those dates in advance. During show & tell time, children have the opportunity to bring one item of their choice from home. Toys from home will be limited to coming to school only on show & tell days. The Fine Arts Preschool is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Supplies are included in the cost of tuition, except for special programs and events. For example, students may be asked to contribute food for a social, have an opportunity to bring costumes from home for the Royal Ball, or the Preschool may collect butter tubs or #10 cans for an art project. A note will be sent home if the preschool is asking for supplemental supplies.
Birthday Celebrations
All preschoolers will have a birthday celebration at some time during the school year. If the child’s birthday falls on a preschool day, the birthday celebration will be then. When a birthday falls on a day when the student does not attend school, we will select the closest preschool date to their birthday. If your child has a birthday in the summer months, an un-birthday will be scheduled during the school year. All birthday celebrations are held at 8:55 a.m. and parents are welcome to attend the presentation. Detailed information will be sent to parents prior to their child’s birthday celebration. Each child will receive a gift from the Preschool. If your child wishes to give a gift to the Preschool, we suggest a book, quiet game, puppet, puzzle, interactive toy, or any other item from your imagination that could be used at Preschool. Please, no food treats or individual goodie bags. Any outside private birthday party invites are to be mailed directly to homes. The faculty prefers that invites not be handed out at school.
Books for Sale
Periodically we will send home book order forms. Books can be ordered from these companies for you to share with your children. This is offered as an optional courtesy to our students and their families.
Miyo Strong Photography will take individual and class photos in the fall. All children are requested to be present for the class photos at 9:00 a.m. Purchase of these photos is optional. During parent days, parents are allowed to bring cameras and video cameras to preschool. FAP would appreciate donations of duplicate photos for our archives.
Your Child’s Health
Preschool students should only attend school if healthy. Any signs of COVID-19, coughs, colds, flu, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, eye discharge, or pink eye, nasal discharge, loss of sense of taste or smell, body aches, etc are indicators that students should remain at home. If a child becomes ill at school, parents will be called immediately to come pick up their child. A student should be free of any symptoms for a minimum of 24 hours after being ill before returning to school. Exposed COVID-19 cases will require the necessary quarantine, testing, and recovery time as outlined by the University of Utah and CDC. Details will be provided as needed.