Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Complete the size form for your CDT rehearsal blacks by Oct. 23
2) Review our Health + Safety updates and reminders
Welcome back And Health + Safety Reminders
We are excited to be back to in person classes this week! Please read the reminders below so that we can continue to have a safe and joyful dancing experience! It is very important that we all follow our local mandates to ensure we can continue dancing in the studio.
- If your dancer is exposed to someone with COVID-19, please send an email to the Tanner Dance office, and keep your dancer home for 2 weeks, or until they receive a negative test result. We will provide you with Zoom links so that your dancer can still participate in class during this time.
- If your dancer tests positive for COVID-19, please inform the office immediately so that we may notify your dancer’s class of the exposure. We will not disclose your name when notifying class members.
- Please remind your dancer to wear a mask at all times, even when dancing outside.
- We encourage you to please be careful and considerate when participating in group activities outside of Tanner Dance; our in-person format depends on everyone’s cooperation. Thank you!
Rehearsal Blacks + CDT T-shirts
Each CDT dancer will receive a set of matching rehearsal blacks and a CDT t-shirt. These items have already been included in your tuition. Please complete the size order form by clicking the button below. Forms are due by Friday, Oct. 23.
We know that some of you already submitted a t-shirt size, but please enter it again on this second form. Thank you!
Click to Complete Size and Order Form
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