Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Sign up to get fit for rehearsal blacks.
2) Access our CDT Google calendar and the CDT Directory.
3) Earn volunteer hours by becoming a Class Coordinator, or storing Tanner Dance items.
4) Take our summer camp survey (junior high/high school dancers + parents).
5) Check out the Invention concert photos and videos.
WARNING: There is a football game scheduled this Thursday, Sept. 2 at 5:30 PM. Please plan ahead for increased traffic. If you are stopped by a parking attendant, just let them know you are dropping off a student at Tanner Dance.
Heads Up! No classes held on Monday, Sept. 6 due to Labor Day.
A big congratulations to our incredible Miss Tina Misaka on receiving the University of Utah Arts Educator Award! Thank you for sharing your inspiring teaching and masterful choreography with Tanner Dance!
Ogden Cancelled
Ogden and Weber schools are not currently scheduling field trips due to COVID, so we will not be performing in Ogden this year. We appreciate the feedback you provided us during the parent meeting regarding this event, and we will take it into consideration as we plan for next year.
Regular CDT classes will be held the week of September 13. You can remove all Ogden related dates from your calendar.
Rehearsal Black Fittings
If your dancer has not yet been fit for rehearsal blacks, please click the button below to sign up for a fitting time. Please sign up for a time that is right before or right after your CDT class time. Please send your dancer to the main Tanner Dance office to get fit.
Tuesday Aug. 31
Tuesday Sept. 2
Tuesday Sept. 7
Tuesday Sept. 9
CDT Calendar + Directory
Click to Access the CDT Google Calendar
Please click the button below to download the CDT directory.
It is password protected: CDT2122
This directory is intended to help organize carpools and to provide a line of communication between CDT families.
Please DO NOT use this directory for solicitation purposes. Thank you!
Download Directory
Class Coordinators + Volunteer Jobs
Each year, two parents are assigned to each CDT class as Class Coordinators. Job responsibilities include helping to plan and coordinate class parties, setting up costume fittings, assisting with the Holiday Party, and gathering items for the In Accord Auction. Parents who volunteer for this position can earn at least 7 hours per year. If you are interested, please click the button below to sign up.
Class Coordinator Sign Up
Want to earn all 20 volunteer hours in one go? Help us out by storing our holiday decorations in your basement or storage facility. Our programming has grown tremendously over that last few years, and we are already running out of storage space! These holiday items are only used once per year between Thanksgiving and the winter break.
We have two trees (each box is 6′ X 2′ X 3′), and 10 plastic bins of varying sizes. This job can be split between 3-4 people. If you are able to help us, please sign up by clicking the button below
Store Holiday Decorations
Invention Concert Photos + Video
Our Invention performance is now available to purchase or rent as a digital download. Click the button below to check it out.
Invention Permorfance Video
Follow us on social media for fun dance and art ideas!