Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Get a plain, light gray mask for the Winter Gala, and be sure you have your tan camisole leotard.
2) Get your tickets for the Winter Gala and check out our virtual auction!
3) Read through the information about our spring hiatus
Winter Gala Dancer Info
All CDT dancers will need a tan camisole leotard (girls), or biker shorts (boys) to wear under their costume. The only exception is CDT 8th grade; this class should wear their CDT rehearsal black leotard.
All CDT dancers will need to purchase their own mask. Masks should be a plain, neutral gray that doesn’t draw attention — medium gray to light gray, not too dark — with no visible logos or any other embellishment. Please ensure that your dancer’s mask fits comfortably and stays in place while dancing. Masks with ear loops are preferable to the kind that tie in the back, due to the possibility of strings coming untied while performing. (Dancers will also need this mask for the Capitol Theatre performances in May.)
Click the button below to access the rehearsal and performance schedule for CDT dancers. Please note that the pick up time for Dance Ensemble is now 6:15 PM.
CDT Winter Gala Dancer Info
Winter Gala Parent Info
Tickets are $10 and includes links for both performances (February 26 + 27). You will be sent the links 3 days prior to the event (Feb. 23), and at 12:00 the day of the first show.
Our dancers perform their best when they have supporters in the audience, even if it’s just a virtual one. An added bonus for this virtual performance is that friends and family from out of town can also support your dancer! Ticket sales will only be on sale until Friday, Feb. 26 at 4:30 PM, so don’t delay!
Artists and arts organizations are struggling during this time of COVID. Your ticket purchase is a valuable contribution to the Tanner Dance program. Your support will help us continue to create worthwhile human beings, one dancer at a time. Thank you!
Get Tickets for the Performances
Check out the auction and get your Opportunity Drawing tickets by clicking the button below. We’ve also created a handy user guide. If you have questions about the auction or navigating the website, please contact us at tannerdance@utah.edu.
Click Here to Access the Virtual Auction
Click Here for the Auction Site User Guide
The auction will be available online so that you can bid on items and support our dancers from the safety of your home. Bidding is open until Friday, March 5 at midnight.
We have fun themed baskets donated by our CDT classes (thank you!), as well as some one-of-a-kind experiences including a Visual Art Birthday Party and Afternoon Tea with Miss Mary Ann! From fine art pieces, to family game nights, to costume kits curated by the fabulous Miss Misha, we have prizes at every price range, so be sure to check it out!
In addition to our auction items, you can enter one (or all) of our Opportunity Drawings to win a Sole Treadmill, or one of three exciting vacations! (Don’t worry – we’re following Utah opportunity drawing laws.) Be sure to enter the drawings before the performances this weekend – we’ll be announcing the winners live during the shows!
A Special Thank You to our Winter Gala Sponsors!
Edgar and Ana Cataxinos
David Dee Fine Arts and the Dee Family
Cynthia Pepper
Thanks to these generous donors, we are already
halfway to our goal of
Help us raise the other half by the time the auction closes
on Friday, March 5!
University Return to Remote Learning: March 1 – 14
The University of Utah has determined that Tanner Dance will need to return to remote learning from March 1-14. Our CDT teachers are working on inventive ideas for classes during this time, and they may include a mix of Zoom classes and outdoor in-person classes. We will be sending out those details as soon as possible. Regular in-person classes will resume at the studio on March 15.
All Studio classes, including ballet, will be held via Zoom, and those links will be sent out on Saturday, Feb. 27. If you have a dancer in the Contemporary Companies, you will be receiving information about plans for those classes. The Fine Arts Preschool and the French Immersion Preschools are exempt from this closure as they are essential services to the University. Tanner’s Arts-in-Education program will also continue in-person in the schools where we currently teach. The message from the Senior Vice President is below:
Adding an extra week of online coursework during the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters is first and foremost a public health decision. The all-online breaks were developed under the guidance of University of Utah Health epidemiologists. Lindsay Keegan, Russell Vinik, Darrell Barfuss and Jacob Pettit have modeled multiple scenarios throughout this schoolyear to provide the most up-to-date, science-based guidance for our campus operations. Our fall “circuit breaker” and spring “return to remote” (Sept. 28-Oct. 9, 2020 and March 1-14, 2021, respectively) are part of the effort to limit COVID-19 exposures and reduce infections and hospitalizations in our community.
We at Tanner Dance recognize that as a community we have been incredibly successful in the prevention of COVID at Tanner and we appreciate everyone who has helped in this effort and been so very responsible in following all of the protocols and keeping our dancers safe. Thank you to all parents, dancers, staff and faculty. Tanner Dance had no cases of COVID between August and December and we have had only four cases for which we have had to quarantine classes since January. Following the closure, March 1-14, we shall resume classes and shall commit to remain COVID free.
Volunteer Sign Ups for Invention Concert
Volunteer sign ups are now available for CDT Concert rehearsals and Capitol Theatre week. Thank you in advance for your help during this busy and exciting time!
Click for Volunteer Signups
Follow us on social media for fun dance and art ideas!