Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Check the Finale Cast List.
2) Sign up for the daCi Michigan audition.
3) Sign up for Concert Volunteer Jobs.
4) Seniors – Write your CDT Senior Reflection and email to Diana by Feb. 5
ATTENTION LEC DEM PARTICIPANTS: Please check your email for information about this Friday’s lec dem. If it is not in your inbox, please check your spam or promotional folders. A note will also be sent home with dancers following rehearsal.
Summer Camps + CDT Registration
Summer camps and classes will open for public registration today at 10:00 a.m. If you have not yet signed up for a camp, please be sure to do so asap as camps fill quickly. Registration can now be accessed as usual through the Tanner Dance website. You will still need to use the code CDT-U20 when you check out so that you are not charged.
Remember that in order to register a CDT dancer for additional camps, you will need to begin a separate transaction without the code.
CDT registration for the 2020-2021 school year does not begin until Monday, April 6. Please be sure you and your dancer have read through all the packet materials prior to this date.
Click Here for Summer Camp Registration
If you have any questions, please contact the Tanner Dance office at 801-581-7374.
Finale Cast List
The Finale is a recap of dances at the end of the show right before the bows. We have divided the CDT company into two casts. Please click on the link below to see which cast your dancer is in. The only time the finale casts will have separate rehearsal times in for the initial finale rehearsal on Saturday, March 7:
12:15 p.m. Call Friday Cast
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Friday Cast Rehearsal
1:15 p.m. Call Saturday Cast
1:30 – 2:00 p.m. Big/Little Brother/Sister Introductions
2:00 p.m. Pick up Friday Cast
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Saturday Cast
3:00 p.m. Pick up Saturday Cast
For all other company rehearsals, both Friday and Saturday casts will rehearse simultaneously.
Click Here for the Finale Cast List
daCi Michigan Tour – Audition Rescheduled
New daCi Audition Date: Saturday, Feb. 22 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Open to dancers 2nd grade through High School
Tanner Dance has been invited to participate in the Dance and the Child International (daCi) USA, “Anchored in Hope: Expanding Horizons” gathering, July 27 – August 2, 2020 in Holland, Michigan. The beautiful campus of Hope College will provide a multitude of dance experiences including daily skills and cultural classes, multi-generational creative classes, and performing opportunities for ages 7 to adult.
This national gathering is an opportunity for children, young people, and adults to come together for a culturally and artistically rich, collaborative environment for three action-filled days. Participants will explore, create, and observe through daily classes which will include technique (Western and non-Western) and collaborative multi-generational choreography. Participants will create dance works in collaborative classes, learn new dances in cultural and world classes, and view or perform dances in a professional theatre each evening. Classes will be taught by dance educators and instructors from across the country. They will share their expertise and passion for dance and provide enriching, age appropriate, creative, and culturally-authentic experiences. The daCi participants will enjoy an evening gathering and dinner on Wednesday as well as a final banquet on Saturday evening.
New daCi Audition Date: Saturday, February 22 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Open to dancers 2nd grade through High School
Rehearsals for New Choreography with Miss Rachel
- Friday, June 12 from 3:00 – 5:00 PM
- Saturday, June 13 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM
- Friday, June 19 from 3:00 – 5:00 PM
- Saturday, June 20 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM
daCi Camp: July 20 – 24, 2020
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM for 3rd-4th grade (grade level as of Fall 2020)
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM for 5th grade and up (grade level as of Fall 2020)
*This camp is required as part of the daCi Tour and also counts toward the CDT summer camp requirement. You will not pay separately for this camp as it will be included as part of your CDT tuition for 2020-2021. Graduating seniors (2020) will need to pay an additional $300 to cover that cost of the camp.
daCi USA Tour: July 27-August 2, 2020 – Holland, Michigan
The cost for the tour includes flights, housing, transportation, meals, conference fees, costumes, and activities:
Youth (7-18): $1460
Graduating Seniors: $1760 (This includes the cost of the summer camp.)
Adult (19+): $1430
Chaperone: $1240
Register for the daCi Michigan Audition Here
Dance Ensemble Senior Reflections
Attention CDT Seniors: This is a reminder that your senior reflections for the CDT concert playbill are due by Wednesday, Feb. 5. This is a chance for you to reflect on your experiences as a member of CDT and how it has influenced you. They don’t have to be long; 100-150 words is great. Please send them to Diana Timothy at diana.timothy@utah.edu. Please also send 3-5 photos that you would like to be used in the slideshow during the senior reception. These can be photos of you dancing, with CDT friends, at performances, in class, etc. Please make sure you send them in JPEG format.
CDT Concert Packet
Concert is coming! Please read through the CDT Concert Packet and be sure that all dates and times are in your calendar. Tickets will be on sale in February.
*Please note that our concert dates are determined by Capitol Theatre. While we do our best to request times that do not conflict with school breaks, we are not always able to accommodate every schedule. We appreciate your families efforts to work with the schedule as best you can. Thank you!
Click Here for Concert Packet
Contact us at: 801-581-7374 or tannerdance@utah.edu