Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Read through the CDT registration packet for 2021-2022.
2) Sign up for a summer camp on Track It Forward.
3) Add Invention rehearsal and performance dates to your calendar.
4) High school driving dancers only: Renew your parking pass for Spring session. Call the office for more info.
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! We are excited to dance with you in 2021. Here are a few important reminders as you return to the studio:
- Parents: Please pull all the way up to the temperature checkers before letting your dancer out of the car. Do not drop your dancer off on the east side of the building; you must be present for their temperature check.
- Dancers: Remember to wear your mask up over your nose at all times, regularly sanitize your hands, and remain socially distanced during class. Please be respectful to Tanner Dance teachers and staff as they give you safety instructions.
- If your dancer has had an exposure to COVID-19, or they or someone in your household is feeling sick, please keep your dancer home and notify Tanner Dance immediately at tannerdance@utah.edu. Our office staff will provide further instructions and let you know when your dancer can return. We are working closely with the University of Utah Contact Tracing Team, and we require accurate and timely information from our families in order to keep Tanner Dance running safely.
Remember that we are all in this together! Following these guidelines will help our community keep dancing.
CDT Summer Camps + 2021-2022 Registration
Please click on the red button below to download your CDT summer camp and registration packet for the 2021-2022 school year. CDT dancers 4th grade and up received a hard copy of the packet in class last night, and 2nd-3rd grade dancers will receive their packets in class today.
Summer camp enrollment opens for CDT families today, January 5, so dancers should register now. Please note that we are using Track It Forward for summer camp sign ups this year.
Please read through the packet so you and your dancer are prepared to continue with the CDT company next year. If you have any questions after reading through the information, please contact the Tanner Dance office at tannerdance@utah.edu.
Download the CDT Summer Camp + Registration Info 21-22
Invention Rehearsal + Performance Dates
We have re-scheduled our CDT Invention performances for the week of May 17 – 22 at the Capitol Theatre. We will be adhering to any COVID-19 restrictions that the county and the venue have in place at that time and may be increasing the number of performances in order to accommodate smaller audience sizes.
Rehearsals with last year’s teachers will take place during regular CDT class times in the spring: 3rd grade classes will begin rehearsals in March, and 4th grade and up will begin rehearsing in April. (Teachers will change class times rather than the dancers.) 2nd graders are already beginning to work on their dance with Miss Chara during their regular class time.
Company rehearsals will take place the week of May 10 – 15. Detailed dates and times will be sent soon.
Follow us on social media for fun dance and art ideas!