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In collaboration with community partners such as the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Utah State Board of Education, the Utah Arts Council, Salt Lake City Arts Council, Utah school districts, Art Works for Kids, and many other partners, Tanner Dance’s Professional Development Program offers a variety of training and mentoring opportunities, as well as resources, to help educators develop new ways to stimulate learning in the arts and make connections between the various art forms and other curriculum areas. The Professional Development Program provides a framework for educators to engage in teaching and learning activities that support the needs of their students while implementing the Utah State Fine Arts Core Curriculum and prevailing state and federal mandates.

Summer Teacher Workshop 2025

Summer Teacher Workshop (June 23-27 2025)

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts and Education Complex (1721 Campus Center Drive, SLC)

Come explore how to incorporate dance and visual art with math, science, language arts, and social studies.

  • 1.     Instruction on teaching dance and visual art in a K-6 setting.
  • 2.     Lesson plans that integrate the arts into core subjects.
  • 3.     Opportunities to observe Tanner Dance teachers working with students through classes and summer camps.
  • 4.     Children’s literature and the Utah curriculum are springboards for instruction and lesson plans.
  • 5.     Workshop faculty includes seasoned Tanner Dance faculty members with extensive experience working in the schools.
  • 6.     The workshop includes a one-day retreat to a beautiful cabin in Midway. Transportation if needed and lunch are provided on this day.
  • 7.    38.00 re-licensure hours and 3 USBE credits are free. University of Utah credit is available for an additional fee.
  • 8.     Tuition scholarships are available for the first 25 Utah educators who register. Once all scholarships are reserved, tuition is $300.00.
  • Non Refundable Materials Fee for All Participants: $80.00.
  • For more information please see our website:
  • For any further information please contact Ashley Boyack at


If you have any issues with registration, please call our office at 801-581-7374.

Integrating Fine Arts into the Curriculum Workshop Series

2024/2025 University of Utah Tanner Dance Integrated Arts Workshop 

This is a series of six-year-long workshops that integrate the arts into the academic curriculum.

Each workshop focuses on an art form or integrated arts as they relate to other areas of the curriculum: math. Language arts, science, social studies, and life skills. Classes meet the first Tuesday via Zoom and will repeat the second Tuesday of the month in person at school in Salt Lake City TBD. You do not need to attend both weeks. You can choose to come in person one month and on Zoom another month. Whichever week works best for your schedule. After registering you will receive the links for the virtual meetings.

For more information or questions please contact


First week via Zoom 4:00-5:30     
October 1
November 5
December 3
January 7
February 4
March  4
Second Week in Person at:
(Eastwood Elementary 3305 Wasatch Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 4:00-5:30)
October 8
November 12
December 10
January 14
February 11
March 11


If you have any issues with registration, please call our office at 801-581-7374.


Move! Learn! Dance! Math!

This four part workshop provides teachers with strategies, tools and actual lessons with students that gets students out of their seats to move and dance math concepts.  Dance and movement provides students with awareness, and control of the body and mind while testing boundaries and creating new possibilities.

Join four master teachers from Tanner Dance, Ashley Boyack, Rachel Kimball, Mary Ann Lee and Tina Misaka, as they share K-6th grade classes where they move and dance students and teachers through the elements of dance and mathematical concepts that include:  number sense, patterns, addition, money, time, angles, shapes, perimeter and much more.  Each 15 minute instructional video is camera ready to implement in an in-person or virtual classroom.

Integrated Dance Lessons for Teachers

The University of Utah Tanner Dance Program has created the following dance lessons to support integrating dance into the curriculum. As time goes on, more videos will be added to support teacher and students experiences in dance education. We have separated the lessons by Math, Science, Language Arts, and Math.