Tanner Dance is committed to providing quality education and opportunity for dance for our community. This space will serve as our repository for videos, lessons and other activities we want to share with everyone, as we all work together towards teaching dance at a distance. We also have a site where we are sharing selected past performances for free, you can see those here. We also share updates and fun challenges on Instagram and Facebook.
Stay healthy and safe
-Tanner Dance
Message from Director Mary Ann Lee!
Negative Space Art with Miss Erin
Learn how use negative space to create art using negative space with Miss Erin. Below is a preview of the lesson. To see the full lesson, with more detailed instructions, and more videos on how to do this yourself, click here.
Miss Mary Ann at the McCune Mansion
Bunny Portraits with Miss Erin
Learn how to create Bunny Ears with Miss Erin. Below is a preview of the lesson. To see the full lesson, with more detailed instructions, and more videos on how to do this yourself, click here.
Rhythm patterns with miss Eliza
April flowers with Miss Erin
Learn how to create your own April water flowers with Miss Erin. Below is a preview of the lesson. To see the full lesson, with more detailed instructions, and more videos on how to do this yourself, click here.
Name dance with Miss lexi
rocks and shapes with Mish Ashley (ideal for 2nd graders)
tanner dance Performances
Here’s a preview of some Tanner Dance’s famous performances for you and your family to enjoy at home! These can enhance your dancer’s at home learning as well as entertain the whole family. See more performances here.
Selected Performances from the Contemporary Companies (2018-2019)
What our patrons have to say
“Thank you for putting together this class for our children. Abigail was so excited that she took the iPad into her room, danced her heart out and mom got 30 minutes to work. I appreciate all that you and the other teachers are doing to help out during this crazy time!”
-Chris Bischke