Dancer + Parent Check List:
1)Check where your classes are held this week
2) Check this Saturday’s Sharing Day!
Download the CDT 20-21 Calendar – UPDATED 9/14/20
CDT Class Locations Sept. 28 – Oct. 1
During the week of Sept. 28 – Oct. 3, CDT classes will be held off campus in an outdoor space. All dancers must wear masks. Dancers should wear sturdy shoes, bring a water bottle, and bring an extra layer in case the weather gets chilly. In the case of bad weather, your teacher will contact you with an alternate plan. Please check the schedule below to see when and where your dancer is having class.
Please email tannerdance.utah.edu if you would like to volunteer as a monitor during your dancer’s off site class.
Miss Mary Ann’s 4th grade:
Meet at Sugarhouse Park from 4:15 – 5:45 PM. Please drop off and pick up at the NE corner of the park at the Garden Center.
Miss Eliza’s 5th grade:
Meet at Sugarhouse Park from 4:15 – 5:45 PM. Please drop off and pick up at the NE corner of the park at the Garden Center.
Miss Ashley’s 6th grade:
Monday, September 28: CDT 6th grade will go on a short nature hike through Knudson Park and up to the mouth of Big and Little Cottonwood canyons. (If the weather is bad it will be postponed to Thursday, October 1.)
4:30 PM Drop off: 6293 Holladay Blvd E, Holladay, UT 84121
6:00 PM Pick Up: DIFFERENT THAN DROP OFF!! North side of the road (a small parking lot) across from the 7-11 at 3720 E Fort Union Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT, 84121
YOU WILL NEED: a water bottle and good walking shoes. Depending on the weather you may need a light jacket.
**We will need a few parents to join us. If you are available to come, please contact Miss Ashley at ashleyb.boyack@utah.edu.
Miss Tina’s 7th grade:
Meet at the Sego Lily Pavilion on the west side of Sugarhouse Park. Class will be from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Please note the time change. Please wear sneakers, masks and warm clothing.
Miss Diana’s 8th grade:
Meet at Sugarhouse Park from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Please drop off and pick up on the west side of the park at the Sego Lily Pavilion. Please wear all black, including your mask; we will be making a dance film! Wear sturdy shoes you can dance in (they don’t have to be black).
Miss Eliza’s 9th grade:
Meet at Sugarhouse Park from 6:15 – 7:45 PM. Please drop off and pick up at the NE corner of the park at the Garden Center.
Miss Mary Martha’s HS I:
Meet at 3745 S Haven Way, SLC, 84109 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. Please note the time change. All students should wear a mask per Tanner Dance protocol and please dress layered for warmth in case it gets chilly.
Miss Joni’s HS II:
Meet at Lindsey Gardens 426 M Street at 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. for a bit of technique class, improvisation, and chatting. Please note the time change. Dancers should wear sneakers and comfortable, loose, warm clothing. We will meet you in the parking lot.
Miss Chara’s Dance Ensemble:
Meet at Sugarhouse park on Monday from 6:15-7:45 p.m. Please note the time change. Drop off and pick up at the NE corner of the park at the Garden Center. Dancers wear sneakers, masks and comfortable loose and warm clothing.
Miss Tad’s 2nd grade A:
Meet from 4:30-6:00 at Sugarhouse Park Hidden Pavilion. Drop off and pickup will be on the west side of 1700 east, just south of the Highland High tennis courts. Address of Highland High School is 2100 south and 1700 east. A teacher will be there on the west side of 1700 east to meet the children. Our dancing space is approximately 30 yards west and downhill from 1700 east. It is grassy, spacious, and near a restroom.
Miss Joni’s 2nd grade B:
We will meet at Sugarhouse Park. Parents can park in the lot that is near Sugar Beet Pavilion (south east part of the park) and we will meet them there. We will find an open grassy area to dance and also plan to share with each other towards the end of our class time. We will meet at 4:30 PM and finish by 6:00 PM. Parents can park and stay, or drop off and pick up. Please remind dancers to wear sneakers and comfortable clothing.
Miss Melony’s 3rd grade A:
Meet at Miss Melony’s house: 4520 S Wander Lane Holladay, UT 84117. Drop off is at 4:30 p.m. Miss Melony has a circle driveway. Please drop off in the circle. Pick Up at 6:00 p.m. Please wear a swimsuit with shorts over and a t- shirt and tennis shoes. You will also need to wear a mask and bring a water bottle.
Miss Mimi’s 3rd grade B: NEW DROP OFF LOCATION
Meet at Sugarhouse Park in the parking lot of the Hidden Grove Pavilion. Enter park at the 1st entrance going east on 21st south and go around park past the pond up the hill till you get to the east side of the park. There you will see the sign for Hidden Grove.
Miss Mary Ann’s 4th grade: No Class
Miss Eliza’s 5th grade: No Class
Miss Ashley’s 6th grade: No Class
Miss Tina’s 7th grade: No Class
Miss Diana’s 8th grade: No Class
Miss Natalie’s 9th grade: No Class
Miss Mary-Martha’s HS I:
Meet at 3745 S Haven Way, SLC, 84109 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM.
Miss Joni’s HS II:
Zooming from 7:30 – 9:00 PM.
Link: https://utah.zoom.us/j/91881821106
Passcode: tanner7374
Miss Chara’s Dance Ensemble:
Meet at Lindsey Gardens 426 M Street on Thursday from 6:15-7:45 pm. Please note the time change. Dancers wear sneakers, masks and comfortable loose and warm clothing. Meet in the parking lot.
No Classes Oct. 5 – 10
CDT classes will NOT be held during the week of Oct. 5 – 10. Regular classes will resume in person at the studio beginning October 12.
In order to make up for the lost week in October, we are extending our fall session by one week in December. Our fall session will now finish on December 12.
If your dancer is also enrolled in ballet classes or the Contemporary Companies, or if you have children in the Fine Arts Preschool or Studio programs, please look for additional communication regarding those schedules.
CDT Virtual Sharing Day
Thanks for a great virtual sharing on Saturday! It was so fun to see what all the dancers are working on and to come together as a community. We learned a lot from our first virtual event, and we will continue to look for safe ways to share and perform this year.
Session A: https://youtu.be/mdbkokWbl_g
Session B: https://youtu.be/_A1Jv4QzFX4
Follow us on social media for fun dance and art ideas!