Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Please remove ALL nail polish prior to May 10
2) Review rehearsal and performance times for Capitol Theatre
3) Attend the monitor meeting on Friday, May 7
4) Save the date for Sandy performances in June
We highly encourage dancers who are 16 and older to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Our Tanner Dance staff, faculty, and musicians have all been vaccinated. This is an important way to keep our community healthy as we enter our performing season. Thank you!
CDT Concert Tickets
Invention tickets are open to the public, and Salt Lake County is allowing increased audience capacity. You may purchase additional tickets for your family at this time, but please be aware that due to the COVID-approved seat map, your family may be sitting in different areas of the theater.
Click the button below to purchase tickets online, or call ArtTix at 801-355-ARTS (2787).
Get Invention Tickets
The performance will also be live streamed on Friday, May 21 at 7:00 PM, and Saturday, May 22 at 7:00 PM. Click the button below to purchase tickets for the live stream.
Get Livestream Tickets
Concert Rehearsals
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Rehearsals for Invention begin Monday, May 10. Please review your concert packet so you are aware of your dancer’s rehearsal times.
- Dancers should always arrive in their CDT rehearsal blacks with hair pulled back.
- Water bottles should be clearly labeled with the dancer’s name.
Please have your dancer re-apply deodorant prior to each rehearsal and performance.
See the CDT Invention Concert Info
Capitol Theatre Week Calendar
Monday, May 10: Class Rehearsals and Photos at Tanner Dance
**Please have your dancer arrive with their tan camisole leotard (girls) or biker shorts (boys) underneath their rehearsal blacks. Hair and makeup should already be done. (Hairstyles are listed below.) No jewelry or nail polish. Class and individual photos will be taken on this day. You do not need to complete an order form this year, as we have included the photos as part of tuition.
**Dancers’ Council photo will be taken at 6:30 PM.
Tuesday, May 11: Company Rehearsal at Tanner Dance
Dancers should wear their rehearsal blacks with hair pulled back, and bring a water bottle.
Wednesday, May 12: Filming during Company Rehearsal
**Please have your dancer arrive with their tan camisole leotard (girls) or biker shorts (boys) underneath their rehearsal blacks. Hair and makeup should already be done. (Hairstyles are listed below.) No jewelry or nail polish.
Thursday, May 13: Company Rehearsal at Tanner Dance
Dancers should wear their rehearsal blacks with hair pulled back, and bring a water bottle.
Friday, May 14:
Dancers’ Council Rehearsal, 4:00 – 6:00 PM
2020 Senior Reception at Tanner Dance, 6:00 PM
*The senior reception is only for last year’s seniors and their parents.
Saturday, May 15:
Company Rehearsal
Dancers should wear their rehearsal blacks with hair pulled back, and bring a water bottle.
2021 Senior Reception at Tanner Dance, 3:30 PM
*The senior reception is only for graduating seniors and their parents.
May 17 – 22: Capitol Theatre Week – please refer to your concert packet
Important Upcoming Dates
April 20: Last day of class for 2nd and 3rd grades
April 22: Last day of class for 4th grade and up
May 10 – 15: Invention Company Rehearsals – please refer to your concert packet
May 17 – 22: Capitol Theatre Week – please refer to your concert packet
TICKETS: We are working with the Capitol Theatre to get tickets ready to go. We will let you know before they go on sale. We will have limited in person seating, but the performance will also be live streamed on Friday and Saturday evening for a watch-at-home option
See the CDT Invention Concert Info
Class Hairstyles
C3 – Telephone, Miss Tad + Miss Amy – half up, half down
C3 – Out of the Box, Miss Natalie + Miss Melissa – 2 French braids
C4 – Miss Melony + Miss Mimi – 1 French braid pulled up
C5 – Writing, Miss Mary Ann & Miss Eliza – 2 French braids pulled up
C6 – Oids, Miss Ann – low bun
C7 – Incandescent, Miss Ashley – 2 French braids pulled up
C8 – Da Vinci, Miss Tina + Miss Lexi – 1 French braid pulled up
C9 – Time Manipulation, Miss Diana – 2 French or Dutch braids pulled up
HSI – World Wide Web, Miss Natalie – low bun
HS2 – Butterfly Effect, Miss Corinne – half up, half down
DE – Radium, Miss Joni – low bun
DE – 2020 Senior Piece, Miss Chara – half up, half down
DE – 2021 Senior Piece, Miss Chara – ponytail
Dancers’ Council – low bun
Monitor Meeting
We ask that all parent monitors plan to attend our monitor orientation meeting. Even if you have been to a monitor meeting in the past, we will be conveying important information related to COVID protocols which will be very different from previous years. You may claim this meeting time toward your volunteer commitment.
We have 2 meetings scheduled for Friday, May 7 at Capitol Theatre. Each time slot is limited to 20 participants to accommodate social distancing. Please RSVP for a meeting time by clicking the button below
Sign up for a Monitor Meeting time
Sandy + Arts Festival Performances
CDT will be performing Invention at the Sandy Amphitheatre on Tuesday, June 22 at 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM. Class rehearsals will take place the week prior, June 14-18, with a company rehearsal on Monday, June 21. Please save these dates in your calendar. We will be sending a detailed rehearsal schedule soon.
This year, the Utah Arts Festival has been moved to August 28. Due to COVID, the festival is limiting the number of dancers who can be in the space, so we will not be performing Invention at this venue. Instead, we will be creating a new performance that meets the festival’s COVID guidelines. We will update you as soon as we have determined which CDT classes will be performing.
We’d like to invite you to support our other programs at Tanner Dance in their upcoming spring performances.
Inspired by the theme of “elements”, this year’s Tipping Point Showcase is an immersive exploration of the pieces that make up our earth, our society, and ourselves. The members of Tipping Point, Momentum, and In Motion dance companies will present 8 new pieces of student choreography, as well as choreography by guest artists Juan Carlos Claudio, Lauren Curly, Natalie Gotter, Micah Moch, Natosha Washington, and Bashaun Williams.
Get Livestream Tickets
Auditions for the Tanner Dance Contemporary Companies are Tuesday, May 25. All dancers entering 7th-12th grade are eligible to audition. A tuition discount is available for dancers who are concurrently enrolled in CDT.
Click the button below for more information about the companies and audition registration, or contact Diana Timothy at diana.timothy@utah.edu
Audition Info + Registration
Follow us on social media for fun dance and art ideas!