Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Look through the emergency drill information for next week and talk through it with your dancer
2) Get tickets for the CDT Roots & Wings performance
3) Sign up to monitor for the performance
4) Check the Lost + Found for any missing items before Oct. 1
Reminders: Please remember to bring your own mask to class. If your dancer, or anyone in your household is feeling sick, please do not send your dancer to class. Please notify the Tanner Dance office at 801-581-7374 if anyone in your household tests positive for COVID
Roots & Wings Tickets On Sale
Tickets for CDT’s Roots & Wings performance are now on sale through ArtTix. You can purchase tickets by clicking the button below.
We encourage all dancers who are performing in this show to invite at least 4 people to attend so that we have a full audience. For every ticket you purchase, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a Roots & Wings book signed by Miss Mary Ann Lee!
Note to CDT faculty and staff: You will be sent a separate link to access your free ticket.
Get Tickets
Emergency Drills: October 4 – 9
We will conduct emergency drills the week of October 4 – 9 in all of our programs. These will include earthquake, fire, and secure-in-place drills. We want all our dancers, faculty, and staff to be prepared and feel confident in the case of an emergency.
Three back-to-back drills are scheduled during each class block. The drills will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Parents: Please review the information with your dancer prior to class by clicking on the button below. Please also be sure your dancer wears shoes to class and brings a jacket in case of cool weather.
Emergency Drill Info
Lost + Found
If you are missing a water bottle, dance bag, or item of clothing, please have your dancer check our lost and found bin in the hallway on the second floor. Any unclaimed items will be donated on October 1.
Volunteer Opportunities
We need class monitors for the Roots & Wings performances at Rose Wagner on November 13. You can earn 4.5 hours for this volunteer job. Click the button below to sign up.
*Please note that parents who monitor during this show will need to watch their dancer’s class from the wings rather than from the audience.
Sign Up to Monitor
We still need class coordinators for the following classes:
- Miss Miss Mary Ann’s 4th grade
- Miss Tina’s 7th grade
- Miss Natalie’s 9th grade
Just a reminder that each CDT family is asked to give 20 volunteer hours each year. This is one way that you can fulfill your hours!
Class Coordinator job responsibilities include helping to plan and coordinate class parties, setting up costume fittings, assisting with the Holiday Party, and gathering items for the In Accord Auction. Parents who volunteer for this position can earn at least 7 hours per year. If you are interested, please click the button below to sign up
Class Coordinator Sign Up
Upcoming CDT Performance: Roots & Wings
This year, CDT will present “Roots & Wings” at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. This performance is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 13 at 7:00 PM and includes all ODD numbered CDT classes, Dance Ensemble*, and the cast of SHOUT. New choreography for this show will be created during regular CDT class times. In order to participate, CDT dancers must have a good attendance record and attend both of the following days:
Rehearsal at Tanner Dance
Friday, Nov. 12 from 4:00 – 5:15 PM
Performance at Rose Wagner
Saturday, Nov. 13 from 4:30 – 8:00 PM (exact call times for each class will be sent out soon)
Participating classes:
- Miss Melony’s 3rd grade
- Miss Mimi’s 3rd grade
- Miss Eliza’s 5th grade
- Miss Tina and Miss Lexi’s 7th grade
- Miss Natalie’s 9th grade
- Miss Joni’s High School II
- Dance Ensemble
*Dance Ensemble will also perform in two “Ring Around the Rose” matinees also held on November 13. Additional information will be sent regarding these shows.
**All even numbered CDT classes will perform in the In Accord concerts in January.
Follow us on social media for fun dance and art ideas!