Dancer + Parent Check List:
1) Read through the updates on Health + Safety procedures
2) Please read about our tuition installment options
Health + Safety Updates
We had a great second week at Tanner Dance! Thank you parents and dancers for helping us keep our community dancing safely. Here are a few important reminders:
- When dropping off your dancer, please pull all the way up into the west circle, and don’t let your dancer out of your car until your vehicle is parallel with a staff member. This will help us be more accurate with temperature checks and help keep dancers out of the line of traffic.
- Please remind your dancer to socially distance while at Tanner Dance. We ask that all dancers (including siblings and carpools) follow this rule in order to ensure everyone’s health and safety. Please help us by reinforcing this with your dancer before dropping them off.
- For questions on parking, please click here.
Tuition Installments
If you selected a tuition installment plan when you registered for CDT, a staff member will be contacting you to set up your payments. You may also call the office at 801-581-7374 to set up your payments; our office hours are Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Fridays 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Zoom Options + Attendance
- CDT dancers can Zoom classes if they have a medical need. You will need to contact the office at tannerdance@utah.edu to get the Zoom link for your CDT class when the need arises. Please notify us at least one day in advance of your scheduled class.
- Please stay home if you are feeling sick.
- Healthy dancers are expected to be in class. As members of a performing company, it is important for the dancers to regularly train their bodies and creative skills. Please schedule events with family and friends outside of dance time.
CDT Handbook + Calendar
Click the buttons below to download this year’s CDT Handbook and Calendar. Please note that all dates are subject to change. We appreciate your flexibility this year!
Download the Handbook
Download the Calendar
Follow us on social media for fun dance and art ideas you can do at home! Share your creations with #tannerdanceathome.